but recently this local series really caught my eyes... the first surprising thing was that my sis was the one who first started watching it.... the next surprising thing was that this series actually have good content (abt different aspects of cosmetic surgery, psychiatry and most imptly life...) and I seriously think the script writers muz have put a lot of tots to the whole story outline... esp when a different set of values would be conveyed in every single episode..... what the cast said would also put pple to thought.... as it would make one think from a very different perspective...
for eg... in the episode i just watched... the main cast said "Does the opinions of others really matter? As long as you are happy.... why bother abt what others think?" True.... isn't it?
I was actually quite sad when I noe that there's only 2 more episodes left... this is one show I would really recommend to pple... so if you haven't watched it... hurry... 2 more days left... channel U 10 -11pm...... try to catch it.... btw.. got 俊男美女 in the show too... Thomas Ong is the main lead... haha...
The final surprising thing abt the show was the opening and closing theme songs of the show... Super good... muz listen to them... esp the opening theme song... the lyrics are very very very well-written.... touched my heart....seemed like i'm easily touched by song lyrics... haha...
these 2 songs are sung by our local superstar runner-up... 石欣卉... someone whom I really feel got potential when she first joined the competition a few years ago.... somehow i feel that she might be writing abt her own story in the theme song... (cool rite... she actually wrote the song herself...) do take some time to listen to the songs and look at the lyrics... I'm still trying to find the lyrics for the closing theme song.... meanwhile.. enjoy wat I have found...
The opening theme song...
过去的批评嘲讽 Let it go Let it go
过去的轻蔑冷落 Let it go Let it go
有些人口不饶人 却忘了瞧瞧自己
时刻都善良待人 Let’s move on Let’s move on
时刻都做好本分 Let’s move on Let’s move on
有些人心思浅薄 绝不是宽容
不自卑 不埋怨
内在的美 迷住每个人的眼
内在的美 迷住每个人的眼
The closing theme song...

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