went to watch 《生活与生存》 舞台剧 @ the Esplanade Theatre on Friday nite.... think it's the longest LIVE performance I have seen so far... 8pm to abt 12 mid-nite (due to a few technical disruptions) .. can u believe it??
but i tot the show was really not bad cos it talked abt a lot of issues.. related to office politics.... which is very very true in the world of today... not just the private sector.... but also in the public sector... .... & i tot the performers were all very good.... esp the lead characters, 张艾嘉, 郑元畅 and 王耀庆。。one of the other actresses who played the character of "苏菲” was very good too... i'm really quite impressed... cos i always feel that acting in a live drama certainly demands more of the performers as compared to those in tv dramas or movies cos there's NO NG allowed.......
haha.. anyway the first scene oredi made me wonder... haha.. the title of the first scene is "Why should we work??" haha... so u shld noe why i wonder le bah... haha... cos i tot 张艾嘉 made an interesting ironic use of the male lead character's name... “李想”。。。shld originally be “理想”.... and in the end... the story arranged the male lead to die.. does it mean also “理想的死亡”?? so does it mean... to survive in the working world... 理想就必须死亡呢?? this is really something which really 发人深省。。。
and for this performance... there were a few interesting things worth mentioning...
- my sis treated me to this show.. cos she wanted company to watch this show or rather see her idol 郑元畅。。haha... and think she really got her money worth... cos we were seated in the 2nd row from the stage... so she could really see her idol close and clear... haha... she was ELATED.... haha... but i muz say 郑元畅's complexion is really VERY good for a guy.... and he is very very tall... haha...
- as we were seated in the 2nd row... i almost sprained my neck cos we had to tilt our heads slightly upwards to look at wat's going on on the stage...
- the show was supposed to be slightly over 3 hours.. with a post-mortem of the drama (which din happened in the end... my sis was super pissed cos that was the main reason she bought the tickets for friday instead of sat...) but the show took abt 4 hours to complete due to a few technical errors which caused the performance to be disrupted for 2 times..... as such esplanade actually treated all audience to drinks at the bar... probably to compensate for the hiccups...... but all 郑元畅's fans, including my sis were certainly not pleased.....

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