Monday, December 10, 2007


这个十二月不知为何我周围的朋友似乎都心事重重的 , 也许是我想太多,但这都已足够让我不知所措了。所以我看我今年的圣诞愿望就是让这愁云密布的十二月赶快过去,希望我身边的人都可以像之前一样开开心心的就好了。

但是人总是矛盾的,一方面我希望十二月赶快过去,我一想到那也代表着假期即将过去, 我就不知如何是好了。。。


棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My vocal lesson today

Haiz... sotong me... went to class without bringing the lyrics of the song that I wanted to sing for the final test... think still left on the printer... hehe... the others muz be wondering who printed all the lyrics... haha....

in the end, i had to sing the song using only one word "la" to the tune of the song... weird feeling... esp when u have to sing tat in front of the class....haha.... awkward sia...

some things that my 老师 say today....that set me thinking and maybe for those who are interested to sing better...
  1. 啦啦啦也是可以很好听的, 如果唱得对的话。。。
  2. 唱歌是为了表达自己的情绪,情绪是一定有瑕疵的,所以不要太刻意的想把所有技巧都加进去,因为你的目的不是为了让人impress....
  3. 技巧会帮你进步,但不代表一定要用。。。唱歌应该和讲话一样自然。。。

interesting sia.... wat do u think?? btw... going to have my test very soon.... so muz practise more... hehe... wish me luck...

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。
