Monday, November 2, 2009



棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Things I had wanted to post over the last few weeks....

  1. National Day Parade
  2. Movie "UP"
  3. My latest collectibles... related to 棟樑....

and many more .. haiz.. when will i have the time and PRIVACY to blog without worries???!!!!! I need a solution!!!!!!!.......

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。



Been very very busy these few weeks... quite obvious cos no time to blog the many many things i wanted to blog..... haiz.... so sad...

BEST part is i dunno what i have been busy with.... jus feel that i have been doing one thing after another... and very sadly.. most are jus work... I was actually quite grateful abt the national day break.. but... times really fly.. cos it was gone in a flash and i did not do work... cos tot shld give myself a break.. but now really regret it sia.. haiz....

Backlogs, backlogs and more backlogs... when will i ever finish????!!!!!!!

MY GREATEST short-term DREAM now...:

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Too Busy for a Friend..... a touching story to share....

One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down. It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed in the papers.

That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that individual.

On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. 'Really?' she heard whispered. 'I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!' and, 'I didn't know others liked me so much,' were most of the comments.

No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on.

Several years later, one of the students was killed in VietNam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so mature.

The church was packed with his friends. One by one those who loved him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher was the last one to bless the coffin.

As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to her. 'Were you Mark's math teacher?' he asked. She nodded: 'yes.' Then he said: 'Mark talked about you a lot.'

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher.

'We want to show you something,' his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket 'They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it.'

Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. The teacher knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him.

'Thank you so much for doing that,' Mark's mother said. 'As you can see, Mark treasured it.'
All of Mark's former classmates started to gather around. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, 'I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home.'

Chuck's wife said, 'Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album.' 'I have mine too,' Marilyn said. 'It's in my diary'

Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. 'I carry this with me at all times,' Vicki said and without batting an eyelash, she continued: 'I think we all saved our lists'

That's when the teacher finally sat down and cried. She cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.

The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day. And we don't know when that one day will be.

So please, tell the people you love and care for, that they are special and important. Tell them, before it is too late.

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Passing by....

Super pissed by many things recently.... haiz...

anyway.. will be posting soon... over-addicted with FB games.. so sorry....& me going test-drive later... haha..

stay tuned!!... & my sincere apologies for not posting recently..... i do hope i sound sincere enough....:p

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Monday, June 1, 2009







棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。



supposed to be blogging... haha... but... think watching the last epi of my FAV show...《败犬女王》 is of utmost importance now... will 单无双 be with 卢卡斯??I really really hope so... if not i think i wun be able to sleep tonight...

okie.. more updates to come.. after the show of cos... haha.. and sch hols are finally here....:D

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Thursday, May 14, 2009



我是最近才开始看这部剧。。真得不错。。看了也有不少感触。。也不得不佩服戏里的女主角“郁无暇”- 一个非常有主见及知道自己要什么的女人。。。在那个年代真是难的一见。。。虽然频频遇上挫折,便对现实的残酷,她从不低头。。。看到她,虽然知道。。这只不过是一出戏。。也已让我不禁觉得惭愧。。



这是否就和我们现在常听到的。。“你可以不爱我。。但是你不能阻止我喜欢你。。” 的道理是一样的呢?。。但是如果爱上不对的人。。那。。若是要坚持这种权利,被爱的那一位是否真的会觉得幸福呢? 这样的坚持是否就应该放弃呢?

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Monday, May 11, 2009


finally managed to catch the last run of this drama.... also din noe wat i was thinking when i booked the tickets for the last run.. haha... think i was probably thinking there would be some grand finale or something.. haha... anyway.. the other thing i din understand was.. why did i book the first row?? now my neck is aching... haha..

the ticket stub.... look at my seat number.. haha... i muz be crazy... cos my neck is getting a bit stiff now.... haha...

but i was glad i went for this drama still.. did not disappoint me.. cos at first i tot this drama is again abt some love triangle but i was very wrong.. haha... was rather surprised at the twist in the story.... very interesting..... and i think this show is really abt appreciating yourself as a person... learning to recognise where your talents are and of cos.. appreciating and loving the pple around you....

and tho my orginal motive was to jus go and support 石欣卉。。。haha.. cos i super loved her voice... very powerful.. but i was pleasantly surprised cos the male lead 田伟鸿 and the female lead 董姿彦 also sang very well... i ended up buying the OST.. haha... supposed to buy outside.. cos it's cheaper but ... they have a post-autograph session after the show.. so i tot might as well..

the autograph session in progress...

阿乐 & Rose busy autographing....

小静 focussed in her autographing .. can see who she is??? haha...

tada... closeup.... none other than the 女皇。。石欣卉。。。:)

i told her to 加油。。。 tho i think she might not have heard me...哈哈。。。

haha.. so.. here are some of my other 收获s。。。

the programme booklet.... pay a token sum to get it...

the OST and the signature of 梁文福。。。

the autographs of all the main casts....)

somehow.. i am very inspired by the drama and i was even thinking jus now... "如果可以的话。。我也好想上台表演。。。”。。。

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Sunday, May 10, 2009

《天冷就回来》 - 语录

Rose (女主角) :“爱情和梦想。。are rivals... 它们是不可能共存的。。”

Sypnosis: 这里只有天气,没有季节,但是这里友爱,有情。。。
“这里” 应该指的是新加坡吧。。。 或是我们心中的家呢?。。。



从前对着收音机 学唱旧的歌
我问妈妈为什么 伤心像快乐
妈妈笑着 说她也不懂得
我想出去走一走 妈妈点点头

天冷你就回来 别在风中徘徊
妈妈眼里有明白 还有一丝无奈
天冷我想回家 童年已经不再
昨天的雨点洒下来 那滋味叫做爱
Wu... 别在风中徘徊 Wu...天冷就回来

渐渐对着收音机 学唱新的歌
我问朋友为什么 做梦也快乐
朋友笑说 他从不相信梦
我想出去走一走 朋友点点头

天冷你就回来 别在风中徘徊
朋友的眼里有明白 还有一份期待
天冷我想回家 年少已经不再
今天的雨点洒下来 那滋味就是爱

现在对着收音机 听自己唱的歌
我的他问为什么 幸福不快乐
我微笑着 说我也不懂得
他想出去走一走 我对他点点头

天冷你就回来 别在风中徘徊
我猜我眼里有明白 还有一丝无奈
天冷他没回家 我仍然在等待
明天的雨点洒下来 那滋味就是爱
Wu... 别在风中徘徊 Wu...天冷就回来

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Sunday, April 19, 2009

3 Cheers & 3 Cheers & 3 Cheers for Susan Boyle....

Haha.. how can i forget to post this????

to all my frens... muz go to this link and watch this 47-yr-old lady who has the courage to pursue her dream despite all the 异样眼光。。。and the best part she is REAL GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!! I was so touched tat i cried after watching the clip....

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Monday, April 6, 2009


From epi 12..



那。。是不是说一起拥有的回忆也都是没有地位的?..即使那是短暂的。。。 付出的真心说放下就能放下吗??


睡一觉起来就能忘。。。失恋就不会是心痛的了。。速食爱情。。真的有年龄之分吗?。。 感情说放下就能放下的话。。那也就不叫做感情了吧。。。

From epi 13..


为什么永远都要让女配角爱得这么委屈呢?。。男主角就永远都看不到呢?? 他们真的有这么迟钝吗?。。

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


《败犬女王》。。more songs。。。

recently noticed 2 more songs from fish... as they were repeatedly heard in my current top fav drama.. haha... and coincidentally one of the songs were also featured in the Friday weekly... there' even an intepretation of the lyrics... cool...hehe....

梁静茹 - 天灯
词 林夕 曲 郑楠



沉默的旅程 乐在快乐得真假不分
追浮云的人 浪漫在拥有过暧昧的名份

暗恋的明灯 一路上如烟火随身
宁愿那想像的情人 永远 保温
美梦别成真 让我梦到忘记疑问
寂寞就想想 那盏天灯 那指纹


沉默的旅程 乐在快乐得甜酸不分
追浮云的人 浪漫在拥有过暧昧的名份

暗恋的明灯 一路上如烟火随身
宁愿那想像的情人 永远 保温
美梦别成真 让我梦到忘记疑问
寂寞就想想 那盏天灯 那指纹

到满脸皱纹 那场回忆比相恋逼真
曾经有一个人 燃烧过 一夜的青春

暗恋的明灯 一路上如烟火随身
宁愿那想像的情人 永远 保温
美梦别成真 让我梦醒不留疤痕 我的天空里 有他眼神 他体温

Excerpt from Friday Weekly...

当暗恋胜于相恋。。。by 陈玉能。。。

。。当一堆情歌一窝蜂较量谁能把相恋的苦痛写得更痛彻心扉, 《天灯》则逆向思考,通过写暗恋的美好来对比相恋后的失落。

。。“美梦别成真 让我梦醒不留疤痕“,则加以印证了美梦如果只是梦或许才不会对任何一方造成伤害。

Interesting intepretation... isn't it??? no wonder pple always say... 得不到的永远都是最美的。。。a pity this song no MV.. if not i would be quite interested in how the MV would be filmed to bring out the meaning behind the the next song which does have a story line... really quite matched the lyrics which are very poetic..... haha... but again.. it's abt unrequited love....

梁静茹 - 情歌

习惯是琥珀 泪一滴滴 被反锁
情书在不朽 淹没成沙漏
青春的上游 白云飞走 藏够雨还有
闪过的念头 潺潺地流走

命运好幽默 让爱的人都沉默
一整个宇宙 换一颗红豆
寂寞太久 而渐渐温柔
放开了拳头 反而更自由


你写给我 我的第一首歌
可是呢 然后呢
还好我又 握着一首情歌
轻轻地轻轻哼着 哭着笑着
我的 天长地久

命运好幽默 让爱的人都沉默
一整个宇宙 换一颗红豆
寂寞太久 而渐渐温柔
放开了拳头 反而更自由

长镜头 越来越远 越来越远

可是呢 然后呢
还好我又 握着一首情歌
轻轻地轻轻哼着 哭着笑着
我的 天长地久

陪我唱歌 清唱你的情歌
心还热着 也该告一段落
是你宛如轻轻的 像涌的河
永远 天长地久

one last one... this is the 片尾曲。。。again the lyrics very well-written... esp the chorus...

梁静茹 - 爱情之所以为爱情(偶像剧(败犬女王)片尾曲)
词:黄婷 曲:周谷淳

买CD 把你的声音丢在角落
看电影 到结局总是配角的错
你要的故事 让你去说
我要的生活 我好好过

写日记 写不出是谁的感受
夜空里 每个人占有一个星座
你到底懂不懂 我只要一点温热的触碰
有些话 并不是 一定要说

你总说爱情之所以为爱情 是用来挥霍
你总是漫不在乎 当我看著自己的稀薄

我看见爱情之所以为爱情 谁都在挥霍
我想的天长地久 也许只是时间的荒谬

一场雨 有时候下得不是时候
就像你 说难过不是真的难过
你到底懂不懂 我只要一个安稳的等候
想你想得好像 空气都停了

Chorus x2


棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


‘8’ 横着读 也可以是无限大 (i.e. infinity)。。
BY 卢卡斯

我常听人家说。。“年龄不是问题。。身高不是距离。。”。。。真的是这样吗?? 姐弟恋虽然已经常常出现在电影和连续剧里。。。 不过。。这个社会真的能够接受吗?? 还是这只是一种流行??


anyway.. i was also particularly attracted by this cos of the way he intepreted the value of "8"..

does a change of perspective always lead to infinite possibilities?? maybe.. many a times i also hope that I will be able to chg my perspective abt things.... but maybe it's my personality.. 是执著?还是固执? 我已分辨不清。。。

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Sunday, March 22, 2009

《一切完美2》。。。the songs。。。

these two songs are from 《一切完美2》。。。din really like the songs at first cos tot not as nice as the first series one by 石欣卉。。。 cos those really gave me a deep impression... haha.... but u need to really look at the lyrics of these 2 songs by 郭美美。。。to understand the songs and see the very appropriate links with the 2nd series... esp the parts in bold.....haha....enjoy.....

郭美美 -- 放了爱 (一切完美2主题曲)

你指向远方 爱情很晴朗
怕泪会反光 钻进你的胸膛
但那不是感动 是 泪无法储藏

把美梦锁上 以为是天堂
还得乔装安份 靠在你肩膀

放了爱 为了爱
这不是我 该怎么生活

你说你喜欢 我笑得开朗
你越温柔 我越不想撒谎
客气地配合你 我感觉更勉强

别人的幸福 何必要模仿
心不在何苦 留躯壳在身旁
加满自由 我要无重量飞翔

放了爱 为了爱
这不是我 该怎么生活
放了爱 会明白
有种拥有 叫做放手

我的心 为爱流离失所

放了爱 为了爱
这不是我 想要的生活
放了爱 你会明白
有种拥有 叫做放手

郭美美 -- 许愿树 (一切完美2插曲)








棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。



《一切完美2》。。又告一段落了。。。haiz... one of the rare local dramas i almost followed every episode with anticipation... why so short?? only 13 epis haiz.... anyway.. these are the few quotes i got from the last few epis... hope i din miss out any.... really wanted to get my laptop on standby during the show... haha....


interesting definition of loneliness and emptiness.... so maybe i shld think twice when i use these 2 words in future... and the 2nd line is truly applicable to many... including me..... but think the worst scenario would be 即寂寞,又空虚的时候。。。


真的有可能一切归零吗??? 哪有这么容易。。。就算有可能象形很多人还是会作出最初的选择,不是吗?。。。 不让不就代表你这一生都在走错的路吗?。。。


那也就是说感情是经不起考验的。。。不是吗?? How tragic.... haiz.....maybe tat's also why there's the saying..."relationship cannot withstand the test of time".....

“没有信心的 Number One 终究是 Number One。。。”

does these 2 phrases mean... one shld never be defeated??? or else... u will always be the defeated one... and the Number One without the confidence is better than the Number Two with utmost confidence?? i dun think so.... why choose to be a Number One without confidence when you can be a confident one who pple would always look up to???


for me .....think it shld be more “为了事业而失去了自己的健康”??? haha... anyway jus been to the doc again ytd... the 2nd time in the month....... guess wat the doc said...."must treasure ur health.... do not neglect it cos of work cos u might jus lose ur good health for good.... and without good health... u wun be able to work well too... and even if u lose your health due to ur work... nobody at work would be grateful to u cos of tat....." How sad... but the more i think of it... the more i see the truth in wat she said..... this also makes me think of another saying...."地球是不会因为少了谁,而停止转动的。。。”

"Words are never meant to be hurtful. Use it to say 'I LOVE U'."

easier said than done..... always think first before saying???




我是否也忘了什么是最初的感动呢??? 是否是时候放荡自己,去找寻这份感动呢??

“他不是 Number One 而是 ONLY ONE...
因为 Number One 是有可能被取代的。。只有 ONLY ONE 是永远不变的。。”

wow.. wow... my heart melted when Kelly said this in the show... haha....

din manage to catch the one that Alex Tan said to Win after the surgery for the accident....

and now.. i have nothing to look forward to le... at 10pm on weekdays.... haiz... esp when it's really rare to have a sequel that is as good as the first series.... will there be a 《一切完美3》???

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Tuesday, March 17, 2009





可能吗?? 倘若人有如此能耐,就不会有人相信命运了。。。 倘若人有如此能耐,我也想要改变。。。但是否就能什么都不管呢??

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


《败犬女王》 语录 2。。。





棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Wednesday, March 11, 2009




"If inferiority complex is your weakness, then you are your own antidote。"

how true... but din manage to catch the chinese phrase when it was mentioned... was looking at the subtitles.....can anyone enlighten me pls?????....... haha....

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

《败犬女王》 语录 1。。。



棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

《無能爲力》 的感觉。。。

Watched 石欣卉 《無能爲力》MV on Monday.... 看了真的有无能为力的感觉。。。。really felt as if my heart is breaking inside.... her song coupled with the MV = 那种无法形容的心痛。。。

originally i din have a deep impression of the song when I listened to her latest CD.... was actually attracted to few other songs.... but overall I was really impressed by our local superstar runner-up....石欣卉... not only has she improved a lot and also became very very pretty...:) she even wrote the lyrics for all the songs in her album... super cool.... to be a lyricist who can touch pple's hearts is also one far-fetched aspirations of mine... haha...

Specially went to check out the lyrics after looking at the MV... I'm super touched by the lyrics ... the 诗意。。意境。。。fantastic... specially like the few lines i bolded.. .. ..enjoy the song, the lyrics, the MV and the storyline (tho it's the typical kind.. but one nvr get sick of it...)... hope you wun feel so heartbroken....

石欣卉 - 无能为力
原曲:Kim Ki Bum 改编词:石欣卉

风空洞吹过 一年又这么过
雪失魂飘落 明年该怎么过

承诺太沉重 你背不到最后
是我太执着 就像那残留的灼火

用所有爱过的回忆 原谅 着你
恨自己不能把过去 放弃

干枯的眼眸 留下一道裂缝
荒凉的北风 一阵阵刺进我胸口

用所有爱过的回忆 原谅 着你
恨自己不能把过去 放弃

怪我太任性 只盼时间将伤痕抹去
恨你 我无能为力

用所有爱过的回忆 原谅你
恨自己不能把过去 放弃
我一个人的悲剧 不奢求你感应

用所有爱过的回忆 原谅 着你
恨自己不能把过去 放弃

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Monday, February 2, 2009

Song of the week....《幸福不灭》-- 罗志祥。。 《篮球火》片尾曲。。

Caught the recent episodes of 《篮球火》 on TV recently... i have always had a certain affinity with basketball... tho i'm not really someone who can play the game well.. cos i'm rather scared of being hit... haha... but i really love watching pple play the game... be it live, in dramas, movies or even animations... think this really started during my secondary sch days...

as such i was also stuck to the show when my sis started to watch it... haha.. but other than the competitions in the show... i was also attracted to its 片尾曲, 《幸福不灭》 by the male lead 罗志祥, who played the joker in the show... reminding me of 樱木花道 in the Jap animation - one of the rare Jap animae I actually followed thru-out....... haha...

okie... so here's introducing the song... couldn't find the full MV ... so out to make do with this snippet from the drama itself.... only the 2nd chorus tho....

《幸福不灭》(籃球火插曲) - 羅志祥
作词:严云农 作曲:阿沁

没原因 就是喜欢你
在初次相遇 有重逢的心情
深呼吸 让心动隐形
完美的爱情 是无声的旋律

听 我听你 不确定的语气
等 我等你 放下你的犹豫
嘿 如果你 轻轻闭上眼睛
我会明白 你做的决定

Cause I Believe 那幸福不灭的定律
在你手心 会有谁给你的美丽
静者恒静 就让我的心安静地守着你

没原因 就是喜欢你
就像海眷恋 天空般 的心情
你前进 看着你背影
就足够世界 无条件 的放晴

你 如果已 爱上他的姓名
爱 如果已 没有我的空隙
嘿 只要你 可以永远开心
我会情愿 渐渐被忘记

Cause I Believe 那幸福不灭的定律
在你手心 会有谁给你的美丽
静者恒静 就让我的心安静地守着你

Oh I believe Cause I believe
你的手心 不一定要由我握紧
就像恒星 总会有发光的原因

Oh I believe

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Sunday, February 1, 2009

《生活与生存》 舞台剧

went to watch 《生活与生存》 舞台剧 @ the Esplanade Theatre on Friday nite.... think it's the longest LIVE performance I have seen so far... 8pm to abt 12 mid-nite (due to a few technical disruptions) .. can u believe it??

but i tot the show was really not bad cos it talked abt a lot of issues.. related to office politics.... which is very very true in the world of today... not just the private sector.... but also in the public sector... .... & i tot the performers were all very good.... esp the lead characters, 张艾嘉, 郑元畅 and 王耀庆。。one of the other actresses who played the character of "苏菲” was very good too... i'm really quite impressed... cos i always feel that acting in a live drama certainly demands more of the performers as compared to those in tv dramas or movies cos there's NO NG allowed.......

haha.. anyway the first scene oredi made me wonder... haha.. the title of the first scene is "Why should we work??" haha... so u shld noe why i wonder le bah... haha... cos i tot 张艾嘉 made an interesting ironic use of the male lead character's name... “李想”。。。shld originally be “理想”.... and in the end... the story arranged the male lead to die.. does it mean also “理想的死亡”?? so does it mean... to survive in the working world... 理想就必须死亡呢?? this is really something which really 发人深省。。。
and for this performance... there were a few interesting things worth mentioning...
  1. my sis treated me to this show.. cos she wanted company to watch this show or rather see her idol 郑元畅。。haha... and think she really got her money worth... cos we were seated in the 2nd row from the stage... so she could really see her idol close and clear... haha... she was ELATED.... haha... but i muz say 郑元畅's complexion is really VERY good for a guy.... and he is very very tall... haha...

  2. as we were seated in the 2nd row... i almost sprained my neck cos we had to tilt our heads slightly upwards to look at wat's going on on the stage...

  3. the show was supposed to be slightly over 3 hours.. with a post-mortem of the drama (which din happened in the end... my sis was super pissed cos that was the main reason she bought the tickets for friday instead of sat...) but the show took abt 4 hours to complete due to a few technical errors which caused the performance to be disrupted for 2 times..... as such esplanade actually treated all audience to drinks at the bar... probably to compensate for the hiccups...... but all 郑元畅's fans, including my sis were certainly not pleased.....
棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Saturday, January 31, 2009


棟樑。。要加油哦。。。 很高兴听到你父亲正在痊愈的消息。。希望你父亲早日康复。。。你也要坚强哦。。一直在为你和家人祈祷的ポーリーン。。。

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


just caught the first epi of 《败犬女王》。。。seemed to see glimpses of myself in the show... haha... so feeling a bit emo now.... but i certainly like wat the female lead said...

“难到女人的胜负真的必须取决于男人, 没有男人,就必须垂头丧气, 乖乖贴上‘败犬’的标签吗?”


I agree totally.... haha...

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Time for TOTs....

caught these 2 lines as I was watching TV today.... or rather my sis was watching.... but i stopped to give these 2 lines a moment of tot... find them very apt and familiar....

1) 是不是觉得我变了。。。变得更强悍。。变得和以前不一样了。。有时候。。改变是为了要保护自己。。不让自己在受伤害。。。

2) 一对男女。。若是很好的朋友,有时才能走得更长久。。。

any thoughts to share??

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Sunday, January 25, 2009

梁静茹 - 没有如果

Time for the song of the week... my sis bought 梁靜茹's latest album last week... weird rite... i wasn't the one who bought it.. haha... cos remember she gave me 最后通牒。。i'm not supposed to buy any more CDs for the next 3 months... haha...

but since she bought it.. of cos i will have the chance to listen to it... & i was pleasantly surprised as this latest album by 靜茹 is really not bad... cos I din really like her last album... but i tot this album was really quite nice..

in particular... i SUPER LIKE the song 《沒有如果》... the theme song of 《敗犬女王》.. the new 偶像剧。。starring 阮经天。。a show abt a woman in her 30s.... falling in love with this guy who is much younger than her.... a typical 姐弟恋... haha.. apparently the term 敗犬 is used to describe women who are above 30 and not married yet... so think i would catch the drama soon.. and maybe i will like the song even more after i watch the show... haha...

anyway.. was also thinking that it is a coincident cos my fav 棟樑's song is 《如果》... seems like i really dun believe in 如果.. cos both the song lyrics are similar... and they are both abt 沒有如果.... :)

梁静茹 - 没有如果

如果我说 爱我没有如果
错过就过 你是不是会难过

如果我说 爱我没有如果
真的爱我 就放手一搏
还想什么 还怕什么



Chorus [X 1]

如果如果 没有如果
如果如果 最后变成路过

错过错过 不想错过
错过错过 我比你更难过

别怕太快了 别怕失去我

Chorus [X 1]


Chorus [X 3]

如果我说 爱我没有如果

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Happy 牛 Year!!!!!!!!!! :)


棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Monday, January 19, 2009

梁文音 - 最幸褔的事

The other top fav on my playlist by 梁文音, the one whom I have been posting clips on when she took part in 超级星光大道II... the lyrics of this song【最幸福的事】is very simple but yet very meaningful.... altho it seem like a typical love song... i think the lyrics can also signify other kind of relationships...such as family ties and friendship.....and also I esp like the introduction of this song... currently trying to figure out the chords... haha....

and interestingly the MV was also filmed by the same director who filmed《猜不透》... but this time round... I managed to understand the meaning behind the MV... very subtle...but very touching.... Hope u like this recommendation...:)

梁文音 - 最幸褔的事
词:马嵩惟 曲:刘宜

你撑着雨伞 接我那次
已经足够我 记得一辈子
我懂後来你 不是不坚持
爱情本来就 没万无一失

泪水离开了 你的手指
那不如让它 留在这信纸
我想女孩子 最贴心的是
让爱的人选 结束的方式

我最幸福的事 当过你的天使
趁鼻酸能掩饰 让我们像当时 拥抱最後一次
最幸福的事 吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势
为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事

可惜爱不是 童话故事
不能够永远 依赖着王子
再难过其实 只剩两个字
我怎麽忍心 为难你解释

我最幸福的事 当过你的天使
趁鼻酸能掩饰 让我们像当时 拥抱最後一次
最幸福的事 吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势
为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事

那一阵子有你 美得不像现实

我最幸福的事 牵着你的日子
一段爱从开始 即使分开我们 都对彼此诚实
最幸福的事 对那片海用力大喊永远的样子
想得起那时 那天和你傻笑着认识 是最幸福的事

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Random pics .. haha...

Okie.. here's some random pics to show what I have seen for the first half mth of 2009... haha...

saw this on my jacket the other day.. had a good laugh over it... isn't it OBVIOUS??? haha
went to my colleague's hse for lunch b4 tat.. was totally mesmerised by her doggie.. a very very CUTE and obedient one....... haha

my recent fav dessert - 杨枝甘露。。。 哈哈.. there's a very nice one @ serangoon garden.... but this is from Far East, courtesy of my sis....

cute kitty seen at the kopi tiam where nice coin pratas are sold.. haha... but it's rather pitiful tho cos it's probably waiting for food.....

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


猜不透 by 丁当

Pay special attention to the last verse... that's my fav... haha... enjoy...:) the mv's storyline a bit warped tho....

猜不透 by 丁当

让试探为彼此的心 上了锁

无法感受每次触摸 是真的 是热的



棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。


五月天 新歌飚唱会。。超 HIGH!!!!

supposed to post this the day after the concert on 4/1/09.. the first Sunday of 2009... haha.. but of cos.... been super busy...

anyway... tot I better jus blog abt it now .. if not u all were never see it exist.. haha...

the whole story began with me actually going to queue to exchg for the FREE concert tickets on 28/12/08 (last Sunday of 2008) with the coupons I got from their CDs I bought... actually bought 2 so I can get 2 tickets... one for myself and one for my sis...

the ticket exchg venue @ Central... u wun be able to believe it... we were even 2 hours earlier... and in front of us.....were probably about 1000+ pple le.... haha.... really really crazy.....

this was the scene in front of where I was standing....

this was the scene behind me... think the queue actually went round the whole building once... haha.....

Keeping my fingers crossed while queuing cos apparently the tickets were on first come first served basis..... and look at the crowd.... we were thinking we might not even get them after the LONG LONG WAIT..... haiz... but Finally finally... haha... YEAH!!! I got the tickets after queuing for close to 3 hours... haha.... okie... the first step to the concert... completed....

On the day of the concert.... it rained.... so at first tot the concert would be cancelled... haha.. cos it's a STANDING concert... first time ever.. it stated on the tickets..."Free Standing"... haha... but the rain stopped abt 4.. we went @ 6.30pm... concert supposed to start at 8pm... haha... but apparently many pple had decided to be earlier.... and this was what we saw when we reached.....

A massive queue.... AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & we were actually more than 1 hour earlier.....OMG!!!! haha.... 五月天的魅力真的不容忽视。。。 哈哈。。。we were probably the most slack-looking audience around cos we went with the mindset that since the concert was FREE... it probably wun be very long and not going to be like the usual paid concerts... we were even thinking of leaving earlier if the concert does not meet the minimum expectations... haha.. cos we weren't great fans of 五月天 to begin with... haha... but of cos this did not happen cos 五月天 was simply FABULOUS... haha... their concert was actually a full-length one....2.5 hours... & super HIGH one... despite the fact that it was FREE.. of cos minus the cost of the CD.... haha... I can only say that 五月天 really very 有诚意回馈歌迷。。。 超有心的。。。if not for the 11pm curfew... I bet they would continue singing cos the whole atmosphere was super HIGH.. haha...

the entrance to the concert venue.... after which my frens went to chop a place with a good view... haha.. of cos.. I jus followed blindly cos I never went for such concerts before... the only ones I have been to were 棟樑 From Now on concert & FIR concert... haha... got seats and air-con one...

Look at all the fans waiting eagerly in the evening sunset.... romantic?? haha...

This was the side view from where we were standing..... impressive huh??

The back view from where I was standing.. jus b4 the concert started... haha... really IMPRESSIVE... esp... no air-con and no seats wo.... I probably wun do this again... haha.. unless it's 棟樑's concert.. haha...

五月天 in action.. this is the clearest shot of the stage with 阿信,怪兽,石头 & 玛莎。。I found among the many photos ... 冠佑 was not around as his father-in-law passed away... here's my deepest condolesences to his family....

Back to the concert highlights... I was deeply impressed by 阿信... he actually sang thru the full 2.5 hours.. LIVE... how much stamina can you imagine he needed to have... COOL... & he and the rest of the members also really noe how to 搞气氛。。the concert was REAL REAL HIGH... haha... no wonder 五月天 is known as 天团... they really 当之无愧。。

the closest & clearest pics of 阿信... when he walked over the the wing nearest to where we were standing.... he's the lead singer so more of his pics.. haha...

next.. I muz mention 怪兽... wah.. I was certainly mesmerised by his guitar skills... he is so cool when he tried to play the guitar hanging over his head... haha.. I always wanted to learn the guitar...but never got to it... so I was certainly impressed... think you wun believe it...I actually went to ask my keyboard teacher if she can teach me guitar after the concert... haha... but she gave me a "lecture" and asked me to focus on my keyboard and vocal.. haha.... so that would probably have to wait for the time being....

din managed to take pics of the other 2 cos they din really walked over to our side.. but I managed to take pics of their special guest...丁当。。。was actually waiting for the duet she sang with 阿信 b4 but.. a bit disappointed that she did not sing that.. but I was certainly impressed by her voice... powerful... probably the best word to describe it... 听现场的真的不一样。。。:) my current fav song is her song.. 《猜不透》... esp loved the last 2 lines... will be posting her mv soon... hehe..

the ad for their upcoming concert... haha.. of cos the 3 of us simply din get enough of 五月天。。。& we bought the tickets le.. muahahaha... of cos... I forgot again that I'm broke.. so I will have to eat grass for 2 more mths le... haha....

the 荧光 bracelets that we wore during the concert... very very nice... haha..

my final takeaways from the concert... haha.. the ticket stud and a fan... haha.. but of cos not jus these.. cos during the concert, I also had a chance to take a closer look at the lyrics of 五月天's songs... I realised that their songs really deserved a closer look.. esp the lyrics.. many are very very well written and close to the heart.... so do go take a look, k...:)

last of not least... a quiz.. can guess whose hand is this?? haha...

棟樑。。。My Super Idol。。。
